30 Unique Slow Loris Tattoos You Can Copy

Slow loris is a small protomonkey mainly produced in the rainforests of India and Sri Lanka. It belongs to the genus of lazy monkey in the family of lazy monkeys.

The slow loris can be said to be the most lovely and shy animal. With a thin body and big eyes, it is extremely lovable. People seem to have an impulse to take them home and love them as pets. However, despite their lovely appearance, slow loris is also very dangerous. They are highly poisonous and will shoot venom from their elbows. If people eat them, they may cause stomach pain.

This toxin can protect slow loris from large wild animals. What's more, if they are provoked, they will introduce the venom into their mouth and pass it to the enemy through bite. If the poisoned person has allergic reaction and is not handled properly, he is likely to die within a few hours.

30 Unique Slow Loris Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @south_african_tattoo_society