30 Pretty Abstract Art Tattoos You Can Copy

Abstract art refers to the form of artistic expression in which the artistic image deviates from or completely abandons the appearance of natural objects. Abstract art is generally regarded as an art that does not describe the natural world. It is expressed in a subjective way through shape and color.

In many cases, the concept of abstract art refers to abstract painting. Of course, in addition to abstract painting, abstract art should also include more art fields, abstract sculpture, abstract devices, music, abstract poetry, abstract photography, architecture, abstract dance, etc.

At first, abstraction in art is only the generalization and refinement of concrete images, which makes the picture clear the specific outline and details and become highly symbolic. Today we have collected a lot of abstract art tattoos. I hope these tattoos can make you feel the beauty of abstract art in tattoos.

30 Pretty Abstract Art Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @toile.tattoo