30 Pretty BB8 Tattoos You Must Try

Remember the bb8 robot in Star Wars: the awakening of the force? It captured the hearts of a large number of viewers with its round figure, flexible head and cute action. Many people think it is the same as the robot in the previous star wars, which is made through computer special effects, and the appearance of bb8 at the film premiere really surprised the audience.

According to media reports, the engineers who designed the bb8 robot revealed how they built the spherical robot. This robot is not in the original plan, but the product of a sudden whim. Bb8 designer Josh Lee and electronic software engineer Matt Denton introduced the working principle of this iconic robot. A motor-driven pendulum inside the spherical shell creates a spherical wheel for the lower body of bb8 to move. The head of bb8 is equipped with a disc with a magnet to fit with the lower spherical wheel, and seems to be suspended above the spherical wheel. The maximum running speed of bb8 is 7 km / h, which is equivalent to the average walking speed of human beings.

30 Pretty BB8 Tattoos You Must Try

Source: @nataliatyrertattoo