30 Pretty Creation of Adam Tattoos You Must Love

The creation of Adam is Michelangelo's painting of the ceiling of Sistine Chapel from 1511 to 1512, which is a part of Genesis. The mural depicts the creation of Adam in Genesis. It is the fourth one in Genesis according to the sequence of events. As one of the world famous paintings, there are many imitations of the creation of Adam.

The creation of Adam is the most touching scene in the whole zenith painting. This scene does not directly draw God shaping Adam, but draws the moment when the sacred spark is about to touch Adam: the God flying from heaven extends his finger to Adam and is about to pass on his soul to Adam as if he were connected to a power supply. This dramatic moment, which juxtaposes man and God wonderfully, triggers our infinite awe, which is unprecedented and unprecedented.

30 Pretty Creation of Adam Tattoos You Must Love

Source: @dansanctius.ink