30 Gorgeous Great Horned Owl Tattoos You Must Try

The Great Horned owl is a large American owl. They are the most widely distributed owl family in America. The small eagle owl of southern South America is often considered a subspecies of the Great Horned owl. The Great Horned owl has a lot of hair around its ears, a red, brown or gray face and a white throat. Its "horns" are not ears or real horns, but just fluff or feathers.

Great Horned owls can harm or kill cats or dogs. Unlike other types of owls, the Great Horned owl is almost entirely nocturnal. It's not uncommon to hear the cry of a Great Horned owl just as the sun rises in the morning, but it's usually its last sound before dusk.

30 Gorgeous Great Horned Owl Tattoos You Must Try

Source: @this_man_mike