30 Unique Ice Hockey Tattoos You Must Try

Ice hockey is a group competition on ice. The players of the two teams boarded the ice skates with their feet, held the clubs, and competed for a rubber flat "ball" on the ice field with boundary wall to hit the other team's goal and score. Since 1920, the 7th Olympic Games has been listed as an official event. Since 1924, the winter and summer Olympic Games have been held separately, and ice hockey has become one of the main events of the Winter Olympic Games.

The competition types of ice hockey are divided into league matches, Championships, friendly matches and performance matches. The championships are divided into world championships and European Ice Hockey Championships. The competitions are divided into groups a, B and C, which are held once a year. In addition, there is a world women's ice hockey championship held every two years.

30 Unique Ice Hockey Tattoos You Must Try

Source: @liam.mean.tattoo