30 Cool Longhorn Tattoos You Must See

Longhorn cattle are a kind of prehistoric cattle. They are related to modern African buffalo. The fossils of longhorn cattle have a horn core as long as two meters. If the outer sheath is added, the span of the two horns may be as wide as four meters. Males may use this spectacular horn to show off to attract the attention of the opposite sex, or they may use their horns to fight for territory. Of course, if Longhorn meets an enemy, its long horn can also be used as a weapon for self-defense.

Many people choose longhorn cattle as tattoos. People who choose Longhorn tattoos are generally diligent, pragmatic and disciplined. I suggest you choose the design close to the sincere and honest image of cattle. As far as I know, few people make the tattoo pattern of the whole cow, and most of them are presented in the posture of the cow's head. Cattle also means hard work, strength, stubbornness and wealth. Let's take a look at those novel Longhorn tattoo designs

30 Cool Longhorn Tattoos You Must See

Source: @brianna.tattoo