30 Pretty Pansy Tattoos for Your Inspiration

Different colors of Pansy have different symbolic meanings. Red pansy means missing, white pansy means waiting, purple pansy means wordless love, and yellow pansy means mixed happiness and sorrow. They mostly express their pure feelings and feelings, which are more suitable for lovers and friends.

Red pansy implies the feeling of missing. It can be the person you care about, or the person you miss because of love. Pansy can be sent to others to convey this kind of missing feelings. The objects given can make relatives, friends, lovers and elders convey their missing.

White pansy implies waiting. White tricolor is rare and represents pure feelings. It can convey feelings of waiting for lovers or relatives and friends to stay away from looking forward to early return and waiting for love. Sending a bunch of white pansy can convey one's feelings more implicitly.

Purple pansy means wordless love. Purple is a more gloomy color. It expresses the love that you wait for but don't ask for in return by your favorite person. Send purple pansy has the meaning of showing love, is more suitable for giving to the object of secret love, the surface of their own mind, can not wait in silence.

The implication of yellow pansy is that happiness and sorrow are mixed. What is conveyed to people is a more positive attitude. There is always endless pain and sadness in life, but we should also see the side of happiness and happiness. The gift of yellow pansy can encourage those friends and relatives in the heart of adversity and adversity to express their relationship and hope that they can live a happy life.

30 Pretty Pansy Tattoos for Your Inspiration

Source: @newhampshiretattoo