30 Cool Puma Tattoos You Must Love

Puma is one of the large cats unique to Central America. Its body length can reach 95 to 170 cm, its tail length is 50-92 cm, and its weight reaches 39-80 kg for males and 23-57 kg for females. Its body color has been consistent, ranging from light gray, yellowish brown to brick red. The abdomen is milky white.

Pumas living in temperate regions are larger in size and lighter in light gray. The individuals living in the tropics are small, light red is more obvious, the tail tip and ear back are dark brown to black, the nose is white, and the edge is black. The cylindrical long tailed bar is very eye-catching in the wild. The cubs have dark brown spots on the body surface, and the spots usually disappear after a year.

30 Cool Puma Tattoos You Must Love

Source: @frankwolf.ink