30 Unique Silence Of The Lambs Tattoos You Can Copy

Although the film "Silence Of The Lambs" has only two hours, it is a rare Utopia for ordinary people to meet our desire to transcend the mediocre life. Many people, just because they feel helpless about the cruelty of real life, are eager to find spiritual comfort in the illusory world.

Starling's process of rescuing the victim is not just pure justice, but also her desire to defeat the demons. The Silence Of The Lambs is actually a journey for women to discover and prove themselves. Hannibal Lecter, a doctor of psychology who was locked in a cage, became a beacon to illuminate Starling's "self". He helped starling complete the repair of childhood trauma and guided her to self salvation.

30 Unique Silence Of The Lambs Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @aggiewheel