Pretty Sketch Tattoo Designs to Inspire You

Sketch is a form of art, belonging to the category of painting. In a word, sketch is a kind of painting that uses simple tools, such as brush, pen, pencil and charcoal pen to shape the image of objects on paper or cloth. It is a simple way of depicting objects with the help of monochromatic lines and light and shade blocks. Cave murals in the middle and late period of human primitive society use simple lines and single colors to depict many animal patterns.

These earliest human painting relics can be said to be the earliest sketches. They are the witness of art activities in childhood. With the development of history and the progress of society, people's aesthetic concepts are becoming more and more diversified. Sketch, an ancient plastic art, is shown in the table Modern tools, materials, techniques and other aspects have been constantly enriched and developed, in addition to the traditional methods of expression, there are also performance sketch, abstract sketch and other forms of expression.

Pretty Sketch Tattoo Designs to Inspire You

Source: @jelmertops