30 Perfect Egg Tattoos Make You Attractive

The ancient Egyptians regarded eggs as the origin of life, and believed that the sun god gave eggs and life to the earth. Therefore, eggs hatch into chickens and the earth produces life. They usually cook the eggs on the eve of the festival, dye them with different colors, and then write their wishes and wishes. Coloring means that spring is full of vitality and everything is renewed. After the eggs are ready, they are placed in a basket made of jujube branches and hung on branches or balconies, waiting for the sun god to appear. It is said that this is to let the gods satisfy the wishes written on the eggs. When the first ray of morning light on the eggs, people's wishes will be accepted by the gods. When greeting each other during the festival, they hold colored eggs and collide with each other, which is also a way for Egyptians to pray for good luck. Whoever's egg is not broken means that the sun god will fulfill his wish. At this time, people can peel the auspicious egg for food, and also can use it as a holiday gift to present to relatives and friends. Part of the plot is like that when we Chinese people celebrate the birth of a noble son, we distribute red eggs to those who wish to celebrate.

It is said that the reason to eat eggs on your birthday is that the eggs are round and smooth after peeling. Therefore, eating eggs means that you hope to study, succeed in your career, be healthy and healthy, and live a long life. "Egg" means a new year, a new beginning, and full of vitality. It symbolizes full circle and red fire. So in order to have a good moral, now my birthday, I like to eat a bowl of noodles with an egg.

30 Perfect Egg Tattoos Make You Attractive

Source: @takemymuse