Freedom Tattoo Designs to Express Your Inner World

Recently, it seems that we often hear a saying: real freedom is not what you want to do, but what you don't want to do. I don't know the source of this sentence, but it seems to me that I can not totally agree with it. At least for the individual spirit, such a judgment about freedom is not entirely correct. In my opinion, a free and independent spirit must be free not to do what it wants to do. This judgment seems contradictory at first, but it is one of the standards of real freedom in my heart.

How many Freedom tattoos can you think of? Some people are naturally lazy. They are used to being in charge. It's someone who cares if you think you're in charge. Some people are free and easy by nature. They are used to freedom, in this fast-paced high-pressure life, more and more people are pursuing freedom. The pursuit of their own heart of poetry and distance.

Freedom Tattoo Designs to Express Your Inner World

Source: @indumati_sandy