24 Gorgeous Gerbil Tattoos You Will Love

Gerbils are not isolated animals. On the contrary, they are very sociable, so they are relatively easy to tame. Generally, in the natural world, they live in a group and interact closely. It is precisely because of these characteristics that it is recommended that you do not only raise one gerbil when you go to buy it. The shop assistant will also tell you, because raising only one gerbil is like us being trapped in a room. Life is very unpleasant.

The opposite sex gerbils are not recommended to be put together, which is very easy to understand. It is suggested that the same sex should live together, so that they can live well. Because several gerbils will be very intimate, they can play and chase together, and they can act together when they are sleeping or active. Gerbils are better than other rodents in that they don't fight and don't bite each other easily, so it's good to raise a few gerbils!

24 Gorgeous Gerbil Tattoos You Will Love

Source: @anabell.m.art