30 Pretty Goldfinch Tattoos to Inspire You

Goldfinch, small bird, body length 12-14 cm. The mouth is thin, straight and sharp, with thick base and dark gray head. The back is chestnut brown, with dark feathers and dry lines. The waist is golden yellow, the tail is covered with feathers and the tail is yellow. There is a large golden yellow block spot on the upper and lower wings of the wing. It is eye-catching whether standing or flying.

Goldfinch lives in the open forest of low mountains, hills, foothills and plains below 1500 meters above sea level. They often act alone or in pairs. They also flock in autumn and winter, sometimes as many as dozens or even hundreds. It mainly feeds on plant fruits, seeds, grass seeds and grains. It is distributed in Sakhalin Island, Kamchatka Peninsula, Japan and Korea.

30 Pretty Goldfinch Tattoos to Inspire You

Source: @inksonnia