30 Unique Assassins Creed Tattoos You Can Copy

The story of Assassin's creed is set in the Dark Crusade period in medieval Europe. The game stage shuttles between Damascus, Jerusalem and other famous historical cities in the Middle East. At that time, the rulers ruled the people with high pressure to kill dissidents. The people are miserable. The player plays a skillful white assassin arter, who has never been seen since, It specializes in assassinating the brutal ruling class, and shoveling rape and eliminating evil has also become the "assassin creed" that players abide by and strive to save innocent people.

Assassin's creed is an action adventure game series developed by Ubisoft Montreal studio. It was released in 2007. The game platforms are PS3, PC and PSP. The game series is an action game with ultra-high degree of freedom and exquisite pictures as the biggest selling point. The player will control an assassin in each game and bring the player a deep sense of substitution by skillfully inserting important historical figures and historical events in the task.

30 Unique Assassins Creed Tattoos You Can Copy

Source: @mustattooharba