30 Pretty Cosmos Flower Tattoos For Your Inspiration

Different colors of cosmos flower tattoos have different meanings. The flower language of white cosmos flower is pure, the flower language of red cosmos flower is amorous, and the flower language of black cosmos flower is the end of a romantic love that no one can love you like me. The cosmos flower tattoo also has the meaning of a girl's true heart, a girl's innocence, arrogance, mystery, purity, first love, freedom and eternal happiness.

Cosmos flower is an autumn British plant of Compositae, originally distributed in America and Mexico. Cosmos flower is an annual or perennial herb, 1 to 2 meters high; Leaves secondary pinnately parted, lobes linear or filiform linear; Inflorescence solitary, style with short pointed appendages; Achene black purple, 8 to 12 mm long, flowering from June to August and fruiting from September to October.

30 Pretty Cosmos Flower Tattoos For Your Inspiration

Source: @funeral_wife