30 Pretty Crystal Ball Tattoos You Must Love

The main function of the crystal ball is to change people's journey. Due to the smooth surface and physical properties of the crystal itself, it has the function of rotation. It can change the journey with appropriate placement.

Crystal has long made people feel her secret power in western countries. Nature gave birth to crystal as early as 100 million to 80 million years ago. Crystal belongs to silica. Quartz crystal contains chemical elements beneficial to human body. In the western ancient Roman times, it was popular to use the mysterious power of crystal to change Feng Shui and wealth for people.

Crystal ball is the leading crystal jewelry in the world. In particular, China, Japan, the United States, South Korea and other countries have a special preference for crystal courtship. They like to have crystal balls at home or in the office, which means to respond to requests. Crystal ball is taken from nature and the essence of heaven and earth. Therefore, many people believe that crystal ball is spiritual and can bring wealth to the house.

30 Pretty Crystal Ball Tattoos You Must Love

Source: @darren_mccrellis