30 Cute Pitbull Tattoos You Must Try

The original name of Pitbull is American Pit Bull Terrier, which means "bull terrier of American Colosseum". It is a kind of fierce dog breed with strong lethality bred for the purpose of fighting dog. When a pit bull fights, it can fight for a long time because its testosterone secretion speed is faster than other dogs. The high concentration of testosterone makes it not afraid of pain. When hormone levels go down, it also knows about pain.

Pitbull's head is well-defined, mixed with strength and elegant personality. Skull is huge, flat or slightly round, deep, wide between two ears. The eyes are of medium size, round to almond shaped, well separated, and lower on the skull. The nose is large and wide, and the nostrils are wide apart. The mandible is well developed, wide and deep. The lips are well proportioned. Tighten up. Complete, symmetrical, snow-white teeth with scissors bite. The back is strong and broad, muscular and level. The tail is a natural extension of the topline, tapering. Round feet, in proportion to the size of the dog, arched and tight. The meat cushion is hard and rough, which can slow down the impact force.

30 Cute Pitbull Tattoos You Must Try

Source: @rachelsmithtattoo