30 Unique Bandana Tattoos You Must Love

Speaking of the bandana, most people will have the impression that women are exclusive and boys wear good women in their minds. absolutely wrong! Bandana is actually an important matching piece of American retro style. However, although it is just a accessory, bandana's history is rich and colorful. Popular during the American War of independence, it was once a tool for politicians to publicize political ideas. From the symbol of the working class to being loved by hippies, rappers and Harley locomotive groups, bandana has its own wild and uninhibited cultural temperament.

The existence of bandana can be traced back to ancient Rome and Greece. It evolved from the Sanskrit "badhnati", which means binding. Later it became "bandannoe" in Portuguese and eventually evolved into "bandana", which means "printed handkerchief". But unlike Cotton Handkerchiefs, bandana scarves are made of linen.

30 Unique Bandana Tattoos You Must Love

Source: @pamador_tattoos