30 Pretty Kingfisher Tattoos You Must Try

Kingfisher is a medium-sized water bird. From the forehead to the pillow, it is blue and black, with turquoise blue transverse spots on the back, chestnut brown on the abdomen, light transverse spots on the head, and reddish red on the mouth and feet. It looks like a woodpecker from a distance. Because the back and face of the feathers emerald blue bright, so commonly known as Kingfisher. Food is mainly fish, and eat crustaceans and a variety of aquatic insects.

Most kingfishers have colorful plumage with big head and small feet. Although Kingfisher is small and beautiful, it is quite fierce. Living by the water, they not only eat fish and shrimp, but also catch insects and even small birds and animals. They also "beat" their prey before eating.

30 Pretty Kingfisher Tattoos You Must Try

Source: @meganriley.tattoo