30 Pretty Ladybug Tattoos to Inspire You

Ladybugs have great symbolic significance from cultures all over the world. This makes them a great theme for tattoos. Here are some tattoo ideas around Ladybug meaning and symbolism.

Ladybug is a common symbol of friendship, because it is a natural helper in the garden, living in harmony with nature. Ladybugs are not always close and friendly. Do you know why ladybugs have spots? It's about protection. This is a warning to predators of threatening messages. In essence, this bright, unique pattern says "bug!" Will be a predator. It's a very cool concept.

In Christian symbolism, ladybugs are often associated with the Virgin Mary. This connection comes from ladybugs' protection of plants. In Chinese symbolism, ladybugs are very lucky and considered to be very lucky. Asian legends show that if a ladybug falls on your clothes, your true love will call. The number of spots on the ladybug shows how many months it takes before you meet love.

30 Pretty Ladybug Tattoos to Inspire You

Source: @raccoonpaws